Conférences d'Astrid Möller (U. de Fribourg)
Astrid Möller, professeur d’histoire ancienne à l’Université de Fribourg (Allemagne), directrice d’études invitée à l'EHESS par Cecilia D'Ercole donnera quatre conférences :
“Lecture’s title: The Ethics of Subsistence Economy: Hesiod’s Erga”
Jeudi 8 mars 2018 de 9h à 11h salle 1, 105 Boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris
Hesiod in writing his Erga aimed at fixing the ethical norms of a successful agrarian society. Hesiod’s epos represents a valuable source for the rules, sanctions and strategies of solving conflicts of a community living at subsistence level in Greece around 700 BC. In looking at Hesiod’s advices for managing an oikos well, the ethics of competition and the idea of reciprocity will be focussed.
- “Lecture’s title: Gift-Giving in the Homeric Epics”
Mardi 13 mars 2018h de 9h à 11h salle Mariette, INHA
One of the many examples of gift-giving in the Homeric epics is the exchange of weapons by Glaukos and Diomedes. Since antiquity, this exchange raised many questions and prompted many possible answers. By using some of the latest discussions and proposals in understanding gift-exchange, I shall take a fresh look at this intricate problem.
- “Value and Counter Value”
Jeudi 15 mars 2018 de 9h à 11h salle 1, 105 Boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris
Starting from the assumption that prices in antiquity were not necessarily the result of an offer-demand-price-mechanism, but the outcome of different aspects and criteria of assessment which are determined by the social and cultural status of goods or services and the web of social interaction, some ideas on ancient price formation will be proposed and a provisional typology of prices attempted.
- “Naukratis revisited”
Jeudi 22 mars 2018 de 16h à 18h salle Benjamin, INHA
Since the discovery of Thonis-Heracleion off the Egyptian coast northeast of Alexandria in 2001, the status of the emporion Naukratis in the western Nile Delta is yet again open to discussion. In revisiting Naukratis, the position of the Greeks at Naukratis in the Egyptian context and the interconnection with Thonis-Heracleion will be reconsidered.